Precision Proline

Acura-Measure Liquid Meter

The Acura-Measure Liquid Meter System is capable of measuring as well as pumping various types of fluids from viscosities of 30 to 300,000 centipoises.

The system has an adjustable volume control, which varies from 1 GPM to 50 GPM with an automatic volume shut off. The system is equipped with 2" cam lock connections for fluid intake and discharges, along with a common crowfoot connection for air. This allows it to be used on tote cans, MPT, drums or mud pits.

In addition, the meter can be interconnected to the rig's charging pump, which allows additions of PHPA or other chemicals. Therefore, eliminates viscosity humps in the mud system.

Precision Proline Acura-Measure Liquid Meter


  • Rated for caustic pH liquids and chlorinated solvents.
  • Superior Accuracy at Constant Flow:
    No metal to metal contact within the meter element. This eliminates the occurrence of any wear or slippage. Consequently, there is no deterioration in accuracy.
  • Accuracy Regardless of Pressure Fluctuations:
    Because of the unique dual-case design, the bearing surface of the meter element is internally and externally subjected to the same system pressure. Therefore, the meter element cannot be stretched or distorted in any way, causing changes in the seal area would adversely affect its accuracy.
  • Accuracy Regardless of Temperature Variation:
    Due to the common coefficients of expansion of the critical parts of the meter element, products can be metered accurately for Fahrenheit temperatures ranging from 40 below to 160 above.
  • Accuracy Regardless of Viscosity:
    Due to the fact that there is no compression or vacuum exerted on the product, this meter has accurately measured product from 25 centipoise to 325,000 centipoise – without calibration change.

Precision Proline Acura-Measure Liquid Meter

Product Specifications

  • Height: 27"
  • Weight: 190 lb
  • Length: 45"
  • Width: 24"
  • Capacity: 50 GPM (1190 L/min.) per unit